
dos palillos- Asian food in Tapas style

dos palillos is an Asian restaurant with food presented in Tapas style, and it gets people's attention not only from the idea of fusion, but also from it's Spanish chef - Albert Raurich, who worked in El Bulli for ten years and seven years as the chef. That big name in gourmet world always makes people curious. However, after trying you will find the food there have nothing to do with molecular cuisine, and you have to say it's tasty.
There are two a la carte menu available, one short and one long. Although it's Asian food, each dish is brought to you one after another, still European serving style. There are several special points I noticed: it's an open kitchen and guests sit around it, watching the whole process of their cooking; there are three kinds of soy source available, and according to the staff, all of them are self made; involving the guests - the sushi you have to roll it yourself; and the last thing is also a tip: always talk to the people sit next to you, as it is supposed to be a hot spot of gourmet, or at least people who like good food, therefore, you might get some tips of restaurants, bars and so on.
What I got from my neighbor is the best tapas bar in Barcelona, the best place to buy fish in Berlin and so on. That's also a part of the price to eat in a fine & special restaurant.
PS: photos are part of the short menu.


Bonanza Coffee Heroes-best cafe in Berlin

In summer, one of the best things in Berlin is to go to Mauer Park: flea market, outdoor KTV, different performances from all over the world in one park...afterwards, a cup of coffee at Bonzana Coffee Heroes, which is said the best coffee shop in Berlin. Why? as far as I see, it's fresh: they roast the coffee beans on site with experts (looks like). Normally, coffee beans should be packed/sealed in max. 3 hours after roasting to keep the crema. Other critical elements are also included: freshly ground and brewed, good coffee machine from Italy, good water...
In winter, it is still open till 7pm, except Wednesday till 3pm. "Don't die before trying".